WordPress Info

Retirement gives you the time literally to recreate yourself through a sport, game or hobby that you always wanted to try or that you haven’t done in years.

Links to Programs & Other Info

Link to Programs, Links and Info files on
Google Drive

Links to video How To’s

Link to WordPress Intro and other How To videos
on Google Drive

Demo WordPress

Link to a Demo WordPress Admin Login

Front Page link

Please Note:- This is a shared Login so you can have a play around without risk to your working site.
– Do not use personal info, images, etc and be aware that anything you do may be deleted by
another user.
– Also that you may delete someone else’s testing sections.
– WordPress updates constantly and often major ones.
– The older How To Videos may vary from the current version options.

Feel free to add Plugins, upload images, change pages to see how the different blocks look.
The easiest way to play with a page might be to duplicate an existing one, then rename it to something that suits you.
You can save it as a Draft or Publish it and it needs to be added to the menu to show on the top menu bar.

I have made a backup so worst case i can restore the site to its current settings.
I will check and update/add plugins, etc as required.

Let me know if you have any questions or issues and if you would like the Login Username and Password.