Peter Hellwege

My Personal Website

Please note this site is in developement and some links and info are a work in progress.

My Hobbies

Over the last few years i have been asked what i was going to do when i retired.
My answer (as a joke) was to build a model railway with scenery, etc.
Since then i have made a start on this, hence the train photos. The plan is to model the Castlemaine Railway Station and the Wheat Silo at RoseBerry with the mural on it which is part of the Silo Art Trail.

Web Design

I still have a number of websites i manage.
I am currently in the process of changing them to WordPress.

Family Tree

I have an Online Family Tree program i am going to work on as i have time.

Model trains

I am working on a model train layout..

Tell website visitors who you are and why they should choose your business.

Because when a visitor first lands on your website, you’re a stranger to them. They have to get to know you in order to want

The Shrine photo’s at the top and on the right were taken at Onslow WA.

Contact me

If you have any questions regarding my site or the WordPress website Info and How to page.